Believe it or not but bikes and other two wheeler vehicles tend to be more prone to attracting rust when not taken care of in an appropriate manner. Here, we will discuss the primary reasons behind why or how rust could form on a bike or its components and what you could do to protect your bike from rust.
What causes rust?

Rust is caused due to water/ moisture and air. When moisture or water is allowed to sit or stay on a bike’s surface for a long period of time, it will react with the oxygen present in the air and gradually convert it into rust. Sometimes, you may have noticed that bikes that are kept in enclosed garage spaces or under certain types of protective sheets too aren’t able to fully avert or prevent the formation of rust as moisture can be present in these surfaces/ enclosures too. Rust accumulated across larger surface areas over great lengths of time could be pretty detrimental as it could lead to permanent, irreversible damage that would destroy the look and performance of your bike.
How to protect your bike from rust?
Protecting your bike from rust really just comes down to the basics. The first step really is to use an excellent shampoo for washing your bike. For bikes that have a glossy painted surface, you should use a good vehicle wash shampoo such as the Wavex Wonder Wash Car Shampoo or the Wavex Wash + Wax Car Shampoo if you desire a wax like natural shine after washing. For matte painted bikes, you shouldn’t use a shampoo that has been developed for glossy painted bikes rather, opt for the Wavex Matte Wash Shampoo that safely and effectively cleans matte bikes and cars. Using unconventional washing techniques and methods too could contribute towards unwanted rusting.
Once you’ve washed you bike with an excellent shampoo, use an excellent quality drying microfiber towel such as the Wavex Mighty Monster 1200 GSM Drying Towel. So many car and bike owners are guilty of not using a drying towel after washing their vehicle rather, they allow their bikes or cars to naturally dry. By doing so, bike owners are not only inviting the gradual build-up of rust but also the gradual build-up of permanent hard water spots across several bike components such as painted surface, mirrors, chrome components and more. The purpose of reliable drying towels such as the one that has been recommended above is to instantly absorb the water droplets that have accumulated across various components of one’s bike while also removing any sort of left over dust that may have been accidently left behind during washing.

Pro Tip: Fresh hard water spots have formed on your car or bike’s glass, paint and chrome components? Don’t fret! Use the Wavex Glass Polish + Hard Water Spot Remover to lift the hard water spots that appear on your car or bike’s surface after washing. A dedicated video of this product in action is also available on the Wavex Auto Care YouTube Chanel. Go check it out!
What should one do in case rust has already formed on a bike?
Well, that’s actually a great question! After reading the above section, we’re sure you’ll take care of the two important points that were listed in them but what should you do if rust has already formed on a bike’s component?
For starters, it depends on the surface/ component where the rust has formed. If rust has started forming on a bike’s chrome component, then the ideal product to use is the Wavex Chrome and Metal Polish. It is a dedicated chrome and metal polish that preserves the showroom like finish and shine of a car or bike’s chrome component. In case mild rust has started appearing on the bike’s chrome components such as chrome silencers, chrome engines, chrome displays etc., you can use the Wavex Chrome and Metal Polish to remove it.
Pro Tip: Please note that this is only recommended for mild rusting. For heavy rusting, you’d need to seek a professional’s help or contact your bike’s dealership/ official service and repair center. Even in case of mild rusting on chrome components, you’d need to apply a certain amount of pressure while manually applying it. This product should only be used on chrome components when the chrome components are absolutely cool to touch. Do not apply them to hot surfaces.
Another alternative rust cleaner/ remover for other metal components of bikes is the Wavex Iron and Fallout Remover that can be used to remove light rust. For this purpose, the Wavex Iron and Fallout Remover should be sprayed directly on the car’s painted surfaces and wheels. Upon spraying it to the surface where rust has accumulated, you could allow it to sit for a couple of seconds which is when it will start reacting with the rust and iron contamination. Once it turns dark purple, thoroughly rinse it off preferably with a high pressure washer. One thing to keep in mind about the Wavex Iron and Fallout Remover is that it is a professional auto care product that is very concentrated and should preferably be used with the assistance of a detailing professional. Being highly concentrated and with a terribly pungent odour, it is advised that one uses it while wearing professional detailing gloves and a face mask furthermore, this isn’t a product that should be used on a regular basis rather, should only be used on a car quarterly or biannually.
By keeping these points in mind, you will be able to easily prevent the formation of unwanted rusting on your precious bike. In case you require more information related to any Wavex Auto Care Product, you could speak to our technical product advisors via our toll free number 1800 274 0076