The question- ‘what should be done every 6 months to your car?’ can have many potential answers however, in this article, Wavex Auto Care will try to answer this question from an auto care and maintenance perspective.
There are certain auto care products that can be applied to a car for prolonged gloss and protection. These products usually have effects that can last up to 6 to 12 months which is when these products are re-applied to the car’s exterior surfaces. Two of these products are the Wavex Paint Sealant and the Wavex Advance Graphene Ceramic Spray Coating.
The Wavex Paint Sealant is a combination of synthetic waxes and polymers that bond with the vehicle’s paint to provide a long lasting gloss and protection. Usually, the effects of the Wavex Paint Sealant can last up to 6 months. Once applied properly, the Wavex Paint Sealant provides the car’s exterior painted surfaces, headlights and chrome components with an impressive shine, UV/ paint protection, partial hydrophobicity and protection against fouling/ contamination.
To apply the Wavex Paint Sealant, one must first thoroughly wash and dry their car with the assistance of a Wavex Car Shampoo followed by the Wavex Mighty Monster Drying Towel. A small amount of the Paint Sealant is poured on Wavex Yellow Foam Applicator Pad and is then evenly spread in a circular motion ensuring that the layer that is being applied is even, thin and consistent. The paint sealant is then left to dry till the time it turns the applied surface hazy which is when a microfiber towel or polisher machine is taken to buff the surface.
Upon applying the Wavex Paint Sealant, one must try and avoid the surface’s contact with water or any other auto care chemicals for at least 24 hours which is when a vehicle owner could apply the Wavex Carnauba Wax as an additional protective layer for the Wavex Paint Sealant. This process can be repeated or done every 6 months on a car by the car owner.

Ceramic Spray Coating
Now coming to the Advance Graphene Ceramic Spray Coating, this product is recommended only for detailing professionals as this product, like the Wavex 10H Graphene Ceramic Coating is a ceramic coating that is available in a 300 ml variant. When the Wavex Advance Graphene Ceramic Spray Coating is applied to the car in an appropriate manner, it lasts on the car for up to 1 year providing a high gloss mirror-like shine, finish, paint protection, UV protection, heat resistance, frost resistance, fouling resistance and more.
The beauty of the Wavex Advance Graphene Ceramic Spray Coating is that it can also be used as a seal coat during ceramic coating applications by detailers followed by coating boosters or rejuvenators after every 6 months of application of ceramic coatings.
Pro tip: If you’re reading this article and are thinking to yourselves- “well, I’m not a professional detailer, what should I use for my ceramic coated car?” The answer would be- The Wavex Graphene Ceramic Wash Shampoo for safely and effectively washing the ceramic coated car followed by the Wavex Maxximus Graphene Ceramic Paste Wax to protect the ceramic coating. Both of these products are DIY friendly and with a little understanding and knowledge, could be easily applied to the car’s exterior surfaces.